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Kings College

Movie Clip

Huna, blentyn, arfy mynwes,
Clyd a chynnes ydyw hon,
Breichiau mam sy’n dynn amdanat,
Cariad mam sy dan fy mron;
Ni chaiff dim amharu’th gyntun,
Ni wna un dyn â thi gam ;
Huna’n dawel, annwyl blentyn,
Huna’n fwyn ar fron dy fam.

Huna’n dawel heno, huna,
Huna’n fwyn, y tlws ei lun;
Pam yr wyt yn awr yn gweu,
Gwenu’n dirion yn dy hûn?

Ai angylion fry sy’n gwenu
Arnat ti yn gwenu’n llon?
Tithau’n gwenu’n ôl dan huno,
Huno’n dawel ar fy mron?
Paid ag ofni, dim and deilen
Gura ar y ddôr:
Paid ag ofni, ton fach unig
Sua, sua’r lan y môr.

Huna, blentyn, nid oes yma
Ddim i roddi i ti fraw;
Gwena’n dawel yn fy mynwes,
Ar yr engyl gwynion draw.
Robert Bryan

Sleep my baby on my breast,
It is warm and cozy there,
Mother’s arms are tight around you,
Mother’s love dwells in my heart.

None can harm you while you slumber,
No-one dares to harm you now.
Sleep so softly, dear my child,
Sleep so softly on my breast.

Sleep softly through the night,
Jewel of my tender love.
Does a smile light those eyes,
Stealing gently o’er thy face?

Do the angels smile above you,
You who smile so sweetly now?
You are smiling now and sleeping,
Sleeping softly at my breast.
Do not fear, it’s just a little wave whispering on the shore.
Sleep my baby, there is nothing
Here to frighten you tonight.
Smile so gently on my breast
At the angels up above.

Adapted from the Welsh