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It’s Choir Recruiting Season

Join the Choir Community


Become part of a thousand year old tradition and sing choral masterworks written for the voices of young people

Learn the value of hard work and why the sacrifice of time and effort are worth that investment – skills for life

No training or skills needed, contact Patrick Allen to have an interview

Build confidence communicating in front of people and grow self esteem

Increase concentration and focus skills

Apply language, math, science and history lessons learned in school and build confidence using them to solve problems and achieve goals

Apply skills from team sports to the discipline and art of music – it’s all connected and is of reciprocal benefit

Become who you are – build self esteem and image

Be part of an intergenerational team where the young people provide the soprano part and professional adults sing the lower parts.

The Chorister (Young people – girls and boys) part of our team begins in second grade and moves all the way into High School.

Through this hard work as a team learn how to express ideas and communicate them with confidence

Take your first job interview

Earn your first pay check

Learn how to get to work on time and when you may not feel like it. An important lesson for life – just like parents must do every day

Sing in multiple languages and tour internationally

Through music spread love and reconciliation to those who come into historic Grace Church and hear your musical offerings

Heal the world through music and community working in love and respect

It’s fun to create music and achieve these goals with friends