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Music at Grace Church in New York

Chorister Voice Study Program


To increase each chorister’s knowledge and vocal ability in a group setting and
 apply that knowledge to the work and repertoire of the choir.

Repertoire will focus on Hymn Descants, Choir Solo Repertoire and Special Solo Repertoire.


To fulfill the senior voice study requirement, senior choristers will sign
up for 4 voice “class” sessions in the fall and
 6 sessions in the winter/spring.
These classes will be offered by P. Allen

Each session will last one hour, there is no charge.
Parents are encouraged to make a donation to the choir special projects fund to help support this program.

Soprano Classes will be offered on
 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. and on Friday from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
 in the Chantry Chapel

There is a cyber sign up method for reserving a space in a class
to make sure classes don’t become too big. However, there will be some
 flexibility with this.
Classes will take place in the Chantry.
Should no one
 be signed up for a given date, no class will occur.
No student should just sign up
on the day of a class should the schedule be empty, however, if a class already has
students registered last minute walk ins are welcome.

“Shaving Club” Class for boys whose voices have changed and High School Boys will be required each
 Sunday from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Boys whose voices have changed will be excused
 from all morning (soprano) rehearsals and attend the Sunday rehearsal instead to focus on the particular needs of the boy with a
changing/changed voice.


Are encouraged to sign up to attend the voice classes, but there is no requirement
for participation.


All Choristers will still have the opportunity to schedule private voice lessons as they and their parents have interest and the voice teacher(s) have time to provide. This could include extra lessons at times of increased productivity around special concerts, shows and other solo opportunities. To receive the name of a voice teacher and arrange for this option please talk with P. Allen.