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Evensong Helper Checklist


As the Junior and Novice Choir has grown, we now ask one parent each week to help Tuesday evenings at Evensong. This 30 minute service is slightly more casual than a Sunday service, but the choristers play a larger role. The service is held most often in the Church.

The main responsibilities are helping Dr. Allen keep order so the choristers can focus on the music. Most parents coordinate to help when their chorister has either a reading or another Evensong responsibility.

Evensong begins at 6pm, please arrive at 5:30 and go to the Honor Room, located on the south side of the church.

There are racks of choir robes organized by number already in the Honor Room. Lists of robe assignments are also posted in the room. Help the choristers robe. Unlike Sunday services, sneakers and casual clothes/school uniforms/sports uniforms are allowed.

When the choristers are lined up and are ready to process, feel free to go into the Church for the service.

As soon as the choristers process out, go back to the Honor Room and help them disrobe. Stay until all the choristers have left to make sure the room is organized and neat. The robes don’t have to be put back in perfect numerical order, but keep in mind organization helps the next Evensong helper.

If you can’t make the Evensong service you have signed up for, please arrange with another parent to take your shift. It makes a tremendous difference to Dr. Allen to have a parent there.