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Music at Grace Church in New York

Music at Grace Church in New York

The Choir of Girls, HS Singers and Adults

As part of the celebrations surrounding the Centennial of The Choir of Men and Boys in 1994, and with the support of the Rector, Wardens, Vestry and People of Grace Church, The Choir of Girls, HS Singers and Adults for young ladies was established. Five young choristers came forward to become the charter class which today comprises forty-two choristers. The Choir of Girls, HS Singers and Adults has taken its place along side The Choir of Men and Boys, The Adult Choir and Parish Choir in the musical leadership of the worship of Grace Church.


The Choir of Girls, HS Singers and Adults is made up of some 42 girls and a professional ensemble of 6 to 12 adult altos, tenors and basses. It is based on the Anglican Cathedral model of Choir where the girls do the work of professional soprano vocalists. The repertoire offered by the senior ensemble is based on this tradition in SATB configuration.

Apply to be in The Choir of Girls, HS Singers and Adults.

BLESS, O LORD, us thy servants who minister in thy temple; grant that what we sing with our lips we may believe in our hearts, and what we believe in our hearts we may show forth in our lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.

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