Live from Grace Church in New York
2023 – 2024 Season
Saturday at 4:00 o’clock p.m. each week
September 10th to May 26th, 2024
Favorite Hymns, Anthems and Voluntaries
Patrick Allen, organ
Sunday 3 March 2024
Ave verum…….Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Magnificat à 4 Ton
Orgue. Magnificat quarti toni…….Jehan Titelouze
From Le Magnificat (1626)
Tranquilly from “A Little Organ Book”…….C. Hubert H. Parry
Messe a l’usage ordinaire des paroisses (1690), Gloria: Tierce en taille…….François Couperin
Hymn 620, Jerusalem, my happy home…….LAND OF REST
“Why does azure deck the sky” from “A Little Organ Book”…….C. Villiers Stanford
Messe a l’usage ordinaire des paroisses (1690), Gloria: Dialogue sur la voix humaine…….François Couperin
Hymn 690, Guide me, O thou great Jehovah…….CWM RHONDDA
Andante from “A Little Organ Book”…….Charles Wood
Messe a l’usage ordinaire des paroisses (1690), Benedictus: Chromhorne en taille…….François Couperin
467, Sing my soul, his wondrous love…….ST. BEES
Wishing you and yours a blessed season of Lent
If Music be the food of Love,
Play on…..William Shakespeare
We invite you to donate to your local food bank to help all in need especially during the pandemic and bring non perishable food stuffs to place in the baskets located in the Narthex as you enter the Church.
Saturday Weekend Organ Meditation at 4:00 p.m. Diverse Repertoire of the Pipe Organ
Sunday Weekend Organ Meditation at 4:00 p.m., HYMNS FROM GRACE
Favorite Hymns, Anthems and Voluntaries played on the pipe organ
Bach at Noon, Tuesday through Friday at 12:20 p.m.
Please consider making a donation to help support keeping the doors open, the lights on and the music flowing at Grace Church. It takes a community to care for a community. We are very grateful for all your love, kind words, prayers and support.
This program has been live broadcast on our YouTube Channel and will be archived there shortly.
Subscribe and enjoy!