Many thanks to the Zacarro Family for their gift of Tuesday afternoon – Junior Snacks! The choristers look forward to a short snack/juice break between their rehearsal and Evensong each Tuesday. If you would be interested in becoming a choir parent helper or snack donor on Tuesdays please be in touch with PA. Choir Parent Helpers on Tuesday are a new pilot project. There is a 15 minute window from 5:00 – 5:15 while the choristers vest and a another 15 minute window while they “divest” following Evensong at 6:30 where it would be very helpful to have a parent aiding in the start/finish process.
Evensong starts at 6:00 in the Chantry and last 30 minutes. All are welcome. Please enter from Broadway through the iron gate and into the Chantry.
Have a beautiful day, Patrick