Adult Choir Auditions
Please prepare at least 2 of the selections below, but bring as many as possible. No opera, please.
1) Oratorio:
a) A fast-tempo selection
b) A contrasting, more sustained/slow selection
2) Classical Art song. Schubert, Mozart or Beethoven songs are preferable. Anything along those lines is fine.
3) A Purcell selection (either art song or solo from an anthem)
No need for memorization, but please bring copies of your music for the accompanist. We may also ask you to sight-read a short, accompanied selection.
Please dress nicely for your audition.
Please feel free to call or email with any other questions, and we look forward to meeting you!
To expedite the audition process, please apply online now.
If you need a W-9 form, you can view one here or download one here.