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Grace Church Welcomes Jonathan Bolena to Bach at Noon Tuesday 11 March 2025


Fantasia g-mol BWV 542a

Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein BWV 641

Erbarm dich, O Herre Gott BEV 721

O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde Groß BWV 622

Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier BWV 731

Fuga g-mol BWV 542b

Jonathan Bolena is the Organ Scholar at Saint Thomas Church and Choir School where he was a chorister under Daniel Hyde and Jeremy Filsell. Upon graduation in 2020, Jonathan attended Woodberry Forest School where he served as Organ Scholar for the chapel music program—conducting the service of Nine Lessons and Carols in his senior year—founded the Anglican Choral Tradition Society and played in the Woodberry Forest Chamber Consort. During his senior year, Jonathan also served as Interim Organist and Choirmaster at St. Paul’s Ivy and earned Associateship of the Royal College of Organists. Over the past two summers, Jonathan has traveled across the country to study and play at several summer courses, including Indiana University’s inaugural Schola Cantorum and RSCM West. Most recently he joined the Choir of Trinity Episcopal Church, Staunton, Virginia, to Wells, England, where he accompanied their week-long residency at the Cathedral. Jonathan currently studies with Jeremy Filsell and Nicolas Haigh but has had private lessons with other renowned teachers such as Alan Morrison, Isabelle Demers, and Jeanette Fishell. Next year, he will begin undergraduate study at Oberlin Conservatory as a student of Jonathan Moyer.