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Greetings, Happy Friday and Have a wonderful and safe Long Columbus Day Weekend!

Here is the link to the website with the information and at the bottom of the post you can download a pdf of the order form!

The order form is also attached for you to use both at home, in sales and to send to anyone and everyone who needs to buy a pie and help support the work of the Choirs.


The pie form order box lives in the hallway of the Parish House by the Reception Room!

*SAVE THE DATE: CHOIR PARENTS COFFEE, Friday morning 24 October from 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. in the Church Reception Room……an informal gathering for parents for the pleasure of just being together, catching up and lovely conversation. An invitation was sent out this week. Let PA know if you did not receive one. Don’t forget to RSVP.

*SAVE THE DATES: The long anticipated dates of the Summer Choir Tour to France have been determined. Thank you for your patience and willingness to complete all the surveys. Detailed information will be available soon: June 20-29

*AS THE YEAR IS COMING TO AN END…please look around the house and make sure you cash all choir checks you have received. When the books are closed at the audit for each operating budget year checks can no longer be redeemed or replaced.

Friday 10 October:
7:00 a.m. Breakfast Club and Morning Rehearsal, Junior and Senior Girls

NO AFTERNOON CHOIR ACTIVITIES TODAY, Have a safe and fun Holiday Weekend!

Sunday 12 October: The Adult Choir, Choristers are off for the holiday weekend.

Tuesday 14 October: NO CHOIR ACTIVITIES TODAY, GCS Closed for holiday weekend.

Wednesday 15 October:

7:00 a.m. Breakfast Club and Morning Rehearsal, Senior Girls

Wednesday 15 October:
3:20 – 4:30 p.m. After School Vocal Coaching in the Music Office. Senior Choristers – please sign up on the bulletin board, all welcome with parent’s permission.

Thursday 16 October:
7:00 a.m. Breakfast Club and Morning Rehearsal, Junior and Senior Boys

Thursday 16 October:
3:20 – 4:30 p.m. After School Vocal Coaching in the Music Office. Senior Choristers – please sign up on the bulletin board, all welcome with parent’s permission.

Friday 17 October:
7:00 a.m. Breakfast Club and Morning Rehearsal, Junior and Senior Girls

Friday 17 October:
3:20 p.m. Novice Boys Rehearsal until 4:30. Drop off and Pick up at the Music Room

Sunday 19 October: The Girls’ Choir with Adults
9:45 Call for Senior Girls (Required)
10:00 Call for HS Singers
10:15 Call for Junior Girls (Optional)
10:30 Call for Novice Girls (Optional)
No Lunch or afternoon Rehearsal today.

1:00 – 2:00 HS Singers Rehearsal

Sunday 19 October at 4:00 p.m. Choral Evensong by The Choir of Men and Boys featuring
Benjamin Britten’s REJOICE IN THE LAMB!
In the Church.
Required for all boys.
2:45 Call for Senior Boys and Adults
3:30 Call for Novice and Junior Boys

Finished by 5:15 p.m.


*The Goggle Choir Schedule Calendar Link:

*Accessing the Secure Choir Family Area of the Music Website:
CLICK: login
User Name: helfenstein
Password: iheartch0ir (0 is a zero)

*REMEMBER: If your contact information changes or you notice a typo in a communication don’t hesitate to let PA (P. Allen, not the Parents Association) know. “If you see something, say something”

*REMEMBER…please keep an eye out around the house and make sure you cash all choir checks you have received. When the books are closed at the audit for each operating budget year checks can no longer be redeemed or replaced.