Greetings and Happy New Year everyone!
AMAHL and the Night Visitors in the Church
Ian Rotheroe in the role of Amahl!
Free Admission!
INFORMATION ABOUT and SCHEDULE attached for the Great Novice and Junior Concert Project with Dr. Barry Rose that will take place during the week of January 17 through 24!
NEW PASSWORD NEEDED for the secure area of our website. See the Newsletter for details.
I hope everyone had a beautiful, fun and rest filled holiday break.
With all my love, p.
Dear Choir Families,
HAPPY NEW YEAR! With all my love and prayers for everyone for a happy, safe and healthy New Year!
I hope everyone is having a beautiful Holiday Season. If you are traveling I hope it is calm and safe for you all. I’m just back from a short visit with my parents and a trip to see my goddaughter in Wilmington, Delaware. How time flies! Now, I’m in the office preparing for Amahl and the Night Visitors this Sunday at 4:00 p.m.
Come support Ian Rotheroe who is singing the title role in this beautiful short opera about the 3 Wise Men. It was commissioned by NBC and first performed by the NBC Opera Theatre on December 24, 1951, in New York City at NBC studio 8H in Rockefeller Center, the same studio where it was broadcast live on television from that venue as the debut production of the Hallmark Hall of Fame. It was the first opera specifically composed for television in America.
It is wonderful in the space of Grace Church and is very child friendly.
4:00 Sunday 3 January, Free Admission. It will last just over an hour.
We are back on schedule – except! Remember Junior Families – NO Evensong, Rehearsals in January go from 5:00 – 6:30 to prepare for Dr. Rose and the end of the month!
SEE THE ATTACHED SHEET WITH DETAILS FOR THE EXCITING AND QUICKLY APPROACHING EIGHTH ANNUAL CONCERT of Music for Treble Voices with the Whiting of Novices and New Juniors, conducted by Dr. Barry Rose!
Welcome to Dr. Barry Rose 2016
SCHEDULE Novice Junior Week and Promotion of Novices to Junior 240116
Secure Area of the Website Password has changed:
CLICK MUSIC: upper right hand corner CLICK login
It is now:
username: helfenstein
LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! If you are so inclined, please LIKE the Music at Grace Church Page on Facebook!
*AS THE YEAR 2015 HAS COME TO AN END…please look around the house and make sure you cash all choir checks you have received. When the books are closed at the audit for each operating budget year checks can no longer be redeemed or replaced.
Sunday 3 January at 11 a.m. The Adult Choir
SUNDAY 3 January at 4:00 p.m. in the Church
Amahl and the Night Visitors by G.C. Menotti
Ian Rotheroe will sing the title role this year!
Family Friendly and very special, bring everyone and plan to attend.
Free Admission.
Tuesday 5 January
7:00 a.m. Breakfast Club and Morning Rehearsal, Senior Boys
Tuesday 5 January
3:20 p.m. Novice Girls Rehearsal until 4:30. Drop off and Pick up at the Music Room
Tuesday 5 January
5:00 Junior Boy and Girls Choristers Rehearsal ending at 6:30 p.m.
Evensong is on Recess until February after the Concert and the President’s Weekend Holiday
Wednesday 6 January
7:00 a.m. Breakfast Club and Morning Rehearsal, Senior Girls
Wednesday 6 January
3:20-4:30 p.m. After School Vocal Coaching in the Music Office.
Thursday 7 January
7:00 a.m. Breakfast Club and Morning Rehearsal, Junior and Senior Boys
Thursday 7 January
3:20-4:30 p.m. After School Vocal Coaching in the Music Office.
Friday 8 January
7:00 a.m. Breakfast Club and Morning Rehearsal, Junior and Senior Girls
Friday 8 January
3:20 p.m. Novice Boys Rehearsal until 4:30. Drop off and Pick up at the Music Room
Sunday 10 January, The Choir of Men and Boys
9:45 Call for Senior Boys (Required)
10:15 Call for Junior Boys (Optional)
10:30 Call for Novice Boys (Optional)
Lunch and Rehearsal from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. for Senior Soprano Boys Today
Lunch and HS Singer Rehearsal from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
*Like us on FACEBOOK! Music at Grace Church in New York
*The Goggle Choir Schedule Calendar Link:
*Sign Up Genius for Choir Parent Volunteer Sign Link:
*Accessing the Secure Choir Family Area of the Music Website:
CLICK: login
User Name: helfenstein
Password: Stanfordlives1894
*REMEMBER: If your contact information changes or you notice a typo in a communication don’t hesitate to let PA (P. Allen, not the Parents Association) know. “If you see something, say something”
*REMEMBER…please keep an eye out around the house and make sure you cash all choir checks you have received. When the books are closed at the audit for each operating budget year checks can no longer be redeemed or replaced.