Music at Grace Church in New York
Daily Programs
Saturday Weekend Organ Meditation, 23 December 2023
Live from Grace Church in New York
2023 – 2024 Season
Saturday at 4:00 o’clock p.m. each week
September 9th to May 27th, 2024
The Diverse Repertoire of the pipe organ
Patrick Allen, organ
Saturday 23 December 2023
Nouveau Livre de Noëls Louis-Claude Daquin (1694-1772)
Noel, sur les jeux d’Anches sans tremblant: «À la venuë de Noël»
Noel, en dialogue, Duo, Trio, sur le cornet de récit, les tierces du positif et la pédalle de
Flûte: «Or nous dites Marie»
Noel en Musette, en Dialogue, et en Duo: «Une bergère jolie»
Noel, sur les Flûtes: «Noël pour l’amour de Marie»
Noel, en Récit en Taille, sur la Tierce du Positif, avec la Pédalle de Flûte, et en Duo:
«Une jeune Pucelle»
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas
and a prosperous and healthy New Year!
If Music be the food of Love,
Play on…..William Shakespeare
We invite you to donate to your local food bank to help all in need especially during the pandemic and bring non perishable food stuffs to place in the baskets located in the Narthex as you enter the Church.
Saturday Weekend Organ Meditation at 4:00 p.m. Diverse Repertoire of the Pipe Organ
Sunday Weekend Organ Meditation at 4:00 p.m., HYMNS FROM GRACE
Favorite Hymns, Anthems and Voluntaries played on the pipe organ
Bach at Noon, Tuesday through Friday at 12:20 p.m.
Please consider making a donation to help support keeping the doors open, the lights on and the music flowing at Grace Church. It takes a community to care for a community. We are very grateful for all your love, kind words, prayers and support.
This program has been live broadcast on our YouTube Channel and will be archived there shortly.
Subscribe and enjoy!
Weekend Organ Meditation, Hymns from Grace, Sunday 26 November 2023
Live from Grace Church in New York
2023 – 2024 Season
Saturday at 4:00 o’clock p.m. each week
September 10th to May 26th, 2024
Favorite Hymns, Anthems and Voluntaries
Patrick Allen, organ
Sunday 26 November 2023
Nun danket alle Gott, BWV 657…….Johann Sebastian Bach
We gather together…….KREMSER
All things bright and beautiful…….ROYAL OAK
Now thank we all our God…….NUN DANKETT ALLE GOTT
Now thank we all our God, BWV 79…….J.S. Bach arranged by Virgil Fox
All things bright and beautiful…….Barry Rose
For the fruit of all creation…….EAST ACKLAM
Come, ye thankful people, come…….ST. GEORGE’S WINDSOR
Passacaglia in d-moll, BuxWV 161…….Dieterich Buxtehude
Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, BuxWV 184
Break Thou the bread of life…….Sherwin
Tis the gift to be simple…….SIMPLE GIFTS
We plow the fields, and scatter……WIR PFLUGEN
Nun danket alle Gott, Op. 65, No. 59…….Sigfrid Karg-Elert
If Music be the food of Love,
Play on…..William Shakespeare
We invite you to donate to your local food bank to help all in need especially during the pandemic and bring non perishable food stuffs to place in the baskets located in the Narthex as you enter the Church.
Saturday Weekend Organ Meditation at 4:00 p.m. Diverse Repertoire of the Pipe Organ
Sunday Weekend Organ Meditation at 4:00 p.m., HYMNS FROM GRACE
Favorite Hymns, Anthems and Voluntaries played on the pipe organ
Bach at Noon, Tuesday through Friday at 12:20 p.m.
Please consider making a donation to help support keeping the doors open, the lights on and the music flowing at Grace Church. It takes a community to care for a community. We are very grateful for all your love, kind words, prayers and support.
Wishing you and yours a beautiful autumn season.
This program has been live broadcast on our YouTube Channel and will be archived there shortly.
Subscribe and enjoy!
Weekend, Organ Meditation, Hymns from Grace, Sunday 19 November 2023
Live from Grace Church in New York
2023 – 2024 Season
Saturday at 4:00 o’clock p.m. each week
September 10th to May 26th, 2024
Favorite Hymns, Anthems and Voluntaries
Patrick Allen, organ
Sunday 19 November 2023
Praeludium und Fuge in Es-Dur, BWV 552…….Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
For all the saints…….SINE NOMINE
Who are these like stars appearing…….ZEUCH MICH, ZEUCH MICH
Ye holy angels bright…….DARWALL’S 148TH
I sing a song of the saints of God…….GRAND ISLE
Let saints on earth in concert sing…….DUNDEE
Ye watchers and ye holy ones…….LASST UNS ERFREUEN
Chorale en la mineur…César-Auguste Franck (1822-1890)
If Music be the food of Love,
Play on…..William Shakespeare
We invite you to donate to your local food bank to help all in need especially during the pandemic and bring non perishable food stuffs to place in the baskets located in the Narthex as you enter the Church.
Saturday Weekend Organ Meditation at 4:00 p.m. Diverse Repertoire of the Pipe Organ
Sunday Weekend Organ Meditation at 4:00 p.m., HYMNS FROM GRACE
Favorite Hymns, Anthems and Voluntaries played on the pipe organ
Bach at Noon, Tuesday through Friday at 12:20 p.m.
Please consider making a donation to help support keeping the doors open, the lights on and the music flowing at Grace Church. It takes a community to care for a community. We are very grateful for all your love, kind words, prayers and support.
Wishing you and yours a beautiful autumn season.
This program has been live broadcast on our YouTube Channel and will be archived there shortly.
Subscribe and enjoy!
Weekend Organ Meditation, Hymns from Grace, Sunday 12 November 2023
Live from Grace Church in New York
2023 – 2024 Season
Saturday at 4:00 o’clock p.m. each week
September 10th to May 26th, 2024
Favorite Hymns, Anthems and Voluntaries
Patrick Allen, organ
Sunday 12 November 2023
If ye love me……..Thomas Tallis
I bind unto myself today…….ST. PATRICK’S BREASTPLATE
Calm as the night…….Carl Bohm, arranged by H. Gaul
Lift every voice and sing!…….LIFT EVERY VOICE
Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott, BuxWV 199…….Dietrich Buxtehude
Holy, holy, holy!…….NICAEA
Holy Spirit, ever living!……ABBOT’S LEIGH
Come, Gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove…….MENDON
“Prière A Notre-Dame”…….Léon Boëllmann
Like the murmur of the dove’s song…….BRIDEGROOM
Come down, O Love divine……DOWN AMPNEY
Dear Lord and Father of mankind……REPTON
The Holy City……..Stephen Adams
Breathe on me, Breath of God…….NOVA VITA
Spirit divine, attend our prayers……NUN DANKET ALL UND BRINGET EHR
Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove. SAINT AGNES
Praeludium in C, BuxWV 137…….Dietrich Buxtehude
If Music be the food of Love,
Play on…..William Shakespeare
We invite you to donate to your local food bank to help all in need especially during the pandemic and bring non perishable food stuffs to place in the baskets located in the Narthex as you enter the Church.
Saturday Weekend Organ Meditation at 4:00 p.m. Diverse Repertoire of the Pipe Organ
Sunday Weekend Organ Meditation at 4:00 p.m., HYMNS FROM GRACE
Favorite Hymns, Anthems and Voluntaries played on the pipe organ
Bach at Noon, Tuesday through Friday at 12:20 p.m.
Please consider making a donation to help support keeping the doors open, the lights on and the music flowing at Grace Church. It takes a community to care for a community. We are very grateful for all your love, kind words, prayers and support.
Wishing you and yours a beautiful autumn season.
This program has been live broadcast on our YouTube Channel and will be archived there shortly.
Subscribe and enjoy!
Weekend Organ Meditation, Saturday 11 November 2023
Live from Grace Church in New York
2023 – 2024 Season
Saturday at 4:00 o’clock p.m. each week
September 9th to May 27th, 2024
The Diverse Repertoire of the pipe organ
Patrick Allen, organ
Saturday 11 November 2023
Selected Organ Works of
Dietrich Buxtehude
Toccata in G-Dur, BuxWV 165
Vater unser im Himmelreich, BwxWV 219
Canzonetta, BuxWV 171
Canzonetta, BuxWV 172
Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt, BuxWV 183
Passacagilia in d-moll, BuxWV 161
Ciacona in e-moll, BuxWV 160
Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allzugleich, BuxWV 202
Puer natus in Bethlehen, BuxWV 217
Toccata in e-moll, BuxWV 164
Mensch, willt du leben seliglich, BuxWV 206
Praeludium in fis-moll, BuxWV 146
If Music be the food of Love,
Play on…..William Shakespeare
We invite you to donate to your local food bank to help all in need especially during the pandemic and bring non perishable food stuffs to place in the baskets located in the Narthex as you enter the Church.
Saturday Weekend Organ Meditation at 4:00 p.m. Diverse Repertoire of the Pipe Organ
Sunday Weekend Organ Meditation at 4:00 p.m., HYMNS FROM GRACE
Favorite Hymns, Anthems and Voluntaries played on the pipe organ
Bach at Noon, Tuesday through Friday at 12:20 p.m.
Please consider making a donation to help support keeping the doors open, the lights on and the music flowing at Grace Church. It takes a community to care for a community. We are very grateful for all your love, kind words, prayers and support.
Wishing you and yours a beautiful autumn season.
This program has been live broadcast on our YouTube Channel and will be archived there shortly.
Subscribe and enjoy!
Bach at Noon Week of 17 September 2023
Bach at Noon
Tuesday through Friday at 12:20 p.m. each week.
September 12th through 17 May 2023
Patrick Allen, organ
19 September 2023 at 12:20 p.m.
Fantasia super: Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott, BWV 651
O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig, BWV 656
Alle Menschen müssen sterben, BWV 643
Präludium und Fuge in G-Dur, BWV 541
Church Website QR Code
Weekend Organ Meditations at 4:00 p.m.
Informal Programs lasting around 45 minutes
Saturday diverse repertoire of the pipe organ
Sunday Favorite Hymns, Anthems and Voluntaries
If Music be the food of Love,
Play on…….William Shakespeare
We invite you to donate to your local food bank to help all in need and bring non perishable food stuffs to place in the baskets located in the Narthex as you enter the Church.
Please consider making a donation to help support keeping the doors open, the lights on and the music flowing at Grace Church. It takes a community to care for a community. We are very grateful for all your love, kind words, prayers and support.
Wishing you and yours a beautiful autumn season.
This program has been live broadcast on our YouTube Channel and will be archived there shortly.
Subscribe and enjoy!
Bach at Noon
Tuesday through Friday at 12:20 p.m. each week.
September 12th through 17 May 2023
Patrick Allen, organ
20 September 2023 at 12:20 p.m.
Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele, BWV 654
Sonate in Es-Dur, BWV 525
Allegro, Adagio, Allegro
Pièce d’Orgue in G-Dur, BWV 572
Church Website QR Code
Weekend Organ Meditations at 4:00 p.m.
Informal Programs lasting around 45 minutes
Saturday diverse repertoire of the pipe organ
Sunday Favorite Hymns, Anthems and Voluntaries
If Music be the food of Love,
Play on…….William Shakespeare
We invite you to donate to your local food bank to help all in need and bring non perishable food stuffs to place in the baskets located in the Narthex as you enter the Church.
Please consider making a donation to help support keeping the doors open, the lights on and the music flowing at Grace Church. It takes a community to care for a community. We are very grateful for all your love, kind words, prayers and support.
Wishing you and yours a beautiful autumn season.
This program has been live broadcast on our YouTube Channel and will be archived there shortly.
Subscribe and enjoy!
Bach at Noon
Tuesday through Friday at 12:20 p.m. each week.
September 12th through 17 May 2023
Patrick Allen, organ
21 September 2023 at 12:20 p.m.
Präludium und Fuge in G-Dur, BWV 550
Christ ist erstanden, BWV 627
Erstanden ist der heilge Christ, BWV 628
Erschienen ist der herrliche Tag, BWV 629
Es ist das Heil uns kommen her, BWV 638
Toccata und Fuge in d-moll, BWV 538
Church Website QR Code
Weekend Organ Meditations at 4:00 p.m.
Informal Programs lasting around 45 minutes
Saturday diverse repertoire of the pipe organ
Sunday Favorite Hymns, Anthems and Voluntaries
If Music be the food of Love,
Play on…….William Shakespeare
We invite you to donate to your local food bank to help all in need and bring non perishable food stuffs to place in the baskets located in the Narthex as you enter the Church.
Please consider making a donation to help support keeping the doors open, the lights on and the music flowing at Grace Church. It takes a community to care for a community. We are very grateful for all your love, kind words, prayers and support.
Wishing you and yours a beautiful autumn season.
This program has been live broadcast on our YouTube Channel and will be archived there shortly.
Subscribe and enjoy!
Bach at Noon
Tuesday through Friday at 12:20 p.m. each week.
September 12th through 17 May 2023
Patrick Allen, organ
22 September 2023 at 12:20 p.m.
Präludium und Fuge in C-Dur, BWV 545
Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn, BWV 630
Komm, Gott Schöpher, Heiliger Geist, BWV 631
Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend, BWV 632
Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt, BWV 637
Toccata und Fuge in F-Dur, BWV 540
Church Website QR Code
Weekend Organ Meditations at 4:00 p.m.
Informal Programs lasting around 45 minutes
Saturday diverse repertoire of the pipe organ
Sunday Favorite Hymns, Anthems and Voluntaries
If Music be the food of Love,
Play on…….William Shakespeare
We invite you to donate to your local food bank to help all in need and bring non perishable food stuffs to place in the baskets located in the Narthex as you enter the Church.
Please consider making a donation to help support keeping the doors open, the lights on and the music flowing at Grace Church. It takes a community to care for a community. We are very grateful for all your love, kind words, prayers and support.
Wishing you and yours a beautiful autumn season.
This program has been live broadcast on our YouTube Channel and will be archived there shortly.
Subscribe and enjoy!