Music at Grace Church in New York

Hymns from Grace, Lent 2021, 28 Mar 2021
28 March 2021, Palm Sunday
The Adult Choir, Grace Church in New York
Marche Réligieuse on the theme of the chorus “Lift up your heads, O Ye gates from Handel’s MESSIAH…….Alexandre Guilmant (1837-1911)
Hymn 561, Stand up, stand up for Jesus MORNING LIGHT
Pange lingua
……Orgue. Pange lingua, en Taille à 4……Nicolas de Grigny (1672-1703)
…………From Livre d’orgue (1699)
…….Chœur. Nobis datus…….Marc-Antoine Charpentier
…………Edition of the Choral setting by Lenora McCroskey, DMA
…….O. Fugue à 5……Nicolas de Grigny
…….C. Verbum caro…….Marc-Antoine Charpentier
…….O. Récit du Chant de l’hymne précédent……Nicolas de Grigny
…….C. Genitori…….Marc-Antoine Charpentier
…….C. Amen…….Carolo d’Ambleville
Hymn 331, Now, my tongue, the mystery telling …….GRAFTON
Herzlich tut mich verlangen, BWV 727…….Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Adoramus te, Christe…….attrib. to G. P. da Palestrina (1526-94)
Passacaglia in D Minor, BuxWV 161…….Dietrich Buxtehude (c.1637-1707)
Hymn 167, There is a green hill far away…….HORSLEY
Salvator mundi…….Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585)
Herzlich tut mich verlangen, Op.122/9…….Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Hymn 160, Cross of Jesus, cross of sorrow……CROSS OF JESUS
God so loved the world from CRUCIFIXION…….John Stainer (1840-1901)
Hymns from Grace, Lent 2021, 21 Mar 2021
21 March 2021
Peter Gruett, tenor
Patrick Allen, organ
Fantasy and Fugue in c minor, BWV…….Johann Sebastian Bach
LEVS II 60, How great Thou art…….Hine/Swedish Folk Melody
Never Weather Beaten Sail…….Thomas Campion (1567 – 1620)
158, Ah holy Jesus…….HERZLIEBSTER JESU
Herzliebster Jesu, Opus 122/2 …….Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
168, O sacred head, sore wounded…….HERLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN
Herzlich tut mich verlangen, Opus 122/10…….Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
474, When I survey the wondrous cross…….ROCKINGHAM
Blessed assurance Jesus is mine…….Knapp/Crosby
O Welt, ich muss dich lassen, Opus 122/11…….Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Vouchsafe, O Lord, from Te Deum in D…….Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
473, Lift high the cross…….CRUCIFER
He was despised from “Messiah”…….George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
Chaconne in E minor, BuxWV 160…….Dietrich Buxtehude
Hymns from Grace, Lent 2021, 14 Mar 2021
March 14 – Laetare Sunday – The Adult Choir
Patrick Allen, organ
Ave verum…….Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Magnificat à 4 Ton
Orgue. Magnificat quarti toni…….Jehan Titelouze (c.1562/3-1633)
From Le Magnificat (1626)
Chœur. Et exultavit…….Nicolas Formé (1567-1638)
Edition of the Choral setting by Lenora McCroskey, DMA
Quia respexit…….Jehan Titelouze
Quia fecit mihi magna…….Nicolas Formé
Et Misericordia ejus…….Jehan Titelouze
Fecit potentiam…….Nicolas Formé
Deposuit Potentes…….Jehan Titelouze
Esuriantes implevit…….Nicolas Formé
Suscepit Israel…….Jehan Titelouze
Sicut locutus est…….Nicolas Formé
Gloria Patri et Filio…….Jehan Titelouze
Sicut erat in principio…….Nicolas Formé
Tranquilly from “A Little Organ Book”…….C. Hubert H. Parry
Hymn 620, Jerusalem, my happy home…….LAND OF REST
Let the people praise thee, O God, Op. 87…….William Mathias
“Why does azure deck the sky” from “A Little Organ Book”…….C. Villiers Stanford
Hymn 690, Guide me, O thou great Jehovah…….CWM RHONDDA
Cantique de Jean Racine, Op 11…….Gabriel Fauré
English text by Harold Heiberg
Andante from “A Little Organ Book”…….Charles Wood
467, Sing my soul, his wondrous love…….ST. BEES
Hymns from Grace, Lent 2021, 7 Mar 2021
March 7
Jennifer Gliere, soprano
Patrick Allen, organ
Sonata III in A Major, Opus 65/3……Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
…..Con moto maestoso
Brother James’ Air…….James Leith Macbeth Bain
Hymn 140, Wilt thou forgive that sin, where I begun…….DONNE
Antiphon II, His left hand is under my Head, and his right hand doth embrace me,
Marcel Dupré
Hymn 151, From deepest woe I cry to thee…….AUS TIEFER NOT
There Is a Green Hill Far Away…….Charles Gounod
Antiphon III, I am black but comely, O Ye Daughters of Jerusalem, Op. 18/3……..
Marcel Dupré
God shall wipe away all tears…….Rob Roy Peery
Antiphon V, How Fair and how Pleasant art Thou, Op. 18/5……..Marcel Dupré
Hymn 148, Creator of the earth and skies…….UFFINGHAM
Air…….Gerre Hancock
I Love to Tell the Story…….Hankey/ William G. Fischer
Hymn 686, Come, thou fount of every blessing…….NETTLETON
Sonata III in A Major, Opus 65/3……Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Andante tranquillo
Hymns from Grace, Lent 2021, 28 February 2021
February 28
Amy Bartram, soprano
Patrick Allen, organ
Rock of ages…….Toplady/Hastings
Vivace from Sonate in c-moll, BWV 526…….Johann Sebastian Bach
The Lord’s Prayer……. Albert Hay Malotte
691, My faith looks up to thee…….OLIVET
Panis Angelicus……. César-Auguste Franck
Le Jardin suspendu by Jehan Alain (1911-1940)
456, O Love of God, how strong and true…….De Tar
LEVS II, 103, Steal away……Traditional Spiritual
Largo from Sonate in c-moll, BWV 526…….Johann Sebastian Bach
My Shepherd will supply my need…….Virgil Thomson
707, Take my life, and let it be…….HOLLINGSIDE
Allegro from Sonate in c-moll, BWV 526…….Johann Sebastian Bach
A grateful heart…….Mary Plumstead
Hymns from Grace, Lent 2021, 21 February 2021
February 21
A.J. Stetson, baritone
Patrick Allen, organ
From Libro quarto (1656)…….Johann Jakob Froberger
Ricercar in d, FbWV 407
Hymn 120, The sinless one to Jordan came…….SOLEMNIS HAEC FESTIVITAS
From Elijah, Draw Near All Ye People & Lord God of Abraham…….
Felix Mendelssohn – Bartholdy
When in the hour of utmost need, BWV 641……Johann Sebastian Bach
From St. Paul, O God, Have Mercy…….Mendelssohn
From Libro quarto (1656)……. Froberger
Ricercar in g, FbWV 408
Hymn 121, Christ, when for us you were baptized…….CAITHNESS
How Great Thou Art……. Carl Boberg – Stuart K. Hine / Swedish Folk Song
I call to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, BWV 639…….Bach
From Dettingen Te Deum, Vouchsafe, O Lord…….George_Frideric_Handel
Hymn 150, Forty days and forty nights…….AUS DER TIEFE RUFE ICH
From A Quaker Reader, “There is a Spirit That Delights to Do No Evil”…….Ned Rorem