Happy Hanukah, Season’s Greetings and a Blessed Advent to Everyone!
Here we go, the final curves of 2014! Thank you to everyone who has done so much to make all the offerings and gatherings so lovely and beautiful! Thank you one and all!
LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! If you are so inclined, please LIKE the Music at Grace Church Page on Facebook!
Families of Senior Choristers:
How would Wednesday or Thursday after School look the first week back for an hour?
World renowned Dutch Baritone Max van Egmond will be visiting Grace Church and there may be the possibility of arranging a master class/rehearsal for the seniors on vocal production and diction with him. This would be an amazing experience for the choristers, the first step is just to find out what might be possible? Could Saturday late morning the 10th of January work from 10:30 to noon? Please let me know your thoughts. Nothing is planned yet, I’m just seeing if we have the energy and time to set this up.
UPDATES since Thanksgiving….
1. If you haven’t paid your first deposit please get it to PA asap or check in with him.
2. If you want to buy into the air package through Peter’s Way we need to know asap so we can confirm the persons and block of seats for that flight.
3. If your chorister is traveling alone on the trip we need to know three things:
a. Have you assigned them to a choir family going on the trip for travel and chaperoning?
b. Will they need someone assigned to chaperone them (not a problem, we are just counting right now to plan)
c. Will they be buying the air package? (any chorister being chaperoned by staff will need to buy into the air package and travel with the staff)
The Article on Dr. Rose in Grammaphone!
CLICK HERE Barry Rose Gramophone article – December, 2014
Old Information:
The First Deposit is due in the amount of $500.00 for each person going on the tour.
Please make your check out to GRACE CHURCH IN NEW YORK, Memo: Choir Tour Deposit One and list who it is for. These checks should be given to P. Allen.
If you have not done so and would like to request financial aid for your chorister, please talk with P. Allen.
Please indicate on your deposit whether your chorister and or family member will purchase the group air travel package so we can plan for that. If you do not indicate this we will assume you are making your own travel arrangements to and from France.
The work in progress Itinerary is attached to this email. Have a look, be ready to chime in with your thoughts in the New Year. We will want your feedback.
*AS THE YEAR IS COMING TO AN END…please look around the house and make sure you cash all choir checks you have received. When the books are closed at the audit for each operating budget year checks can no longer be redeemed or replaced.
Saturday 13 December
Dress Rehearsal for Britten Service, All Senior Girls required.
9:45 to noon in the church.
Please enter at 802 Broadway.
Sunday 14 December: The Choir of Men and Boys
9:45 Call for Senior Choristers (Required for Seniors)
10:15/10:30 Call for Juniors (Optional)
11:00 The Morning Service Begins, it will end around 12:20 p.m.
2:45 Call/Warm up for all Senior Girls
2330 Call for Junior and Novice Girls
Required for all Girl Choristers
4:00 Service (ending about 5:10 p.m.)
Tuesday 16 December:
7:00 a.m. Breakfast Club and Morning Rehearsal, Senior Boys
Wednesday 17 December:
7:00 a.m. Breakfast Club and Morning Rehearsal, Senior Girls
Thursday 18 December:
NO morning Rehearsal
5:45 p.m. Call for Dress Rehearsal 12/24 Carol Service
5:45 to 9:00 p.m. required for all senior choristers
Please enter at 802 Broadway.
Friday 19 December:
NO morning Rehearsal
Christmas Eve 24 December
6:45 Warm up for Carol Service
Required for all senior choristers.
Novice and Junior Families are most welcome, Choristers should sit with their parents if they attend this service.
Be safe, warm and Joy filled! Love, PA
SUNDAY 4 January at 4:00 p.m. in the Church
Amahl and the Night Visitors by G.C. Menotti
Ian Rotheroe will sing the title role this year!
Family Friendly and very special, bring everyone and plan to attend.
Free Admission.
We start back with the GCS Schedule: January 6th.
*Like us on FACEBOOK! Music at Grace Church in New York
*The Goggle Choir Schedule Calendar Link: http://gchoirsched.info/home.html
*Sign Up Genius for Choir Parent Volunteer Sign Link: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/9040B4CA9A72DA64-choir/11611445
*Accessing the Secure Choir Family Area of the Music Website:
CLICK: login
User Name: helfenstein
Password: iheartch0ir (0 is a zero)
*REMEMBER: If your contact information changes or you notice a typo in a communication don’t hesitate to let PA (P. Allen, not the Parents Association) know. “If you see something, say something”
*REMEMBER…please keep an eye out around the house and make sure you cash all choir checks you have received. When the books are closed at the audit for each operating budget year checks can no longer be redeemed or replaced.