24 October 2015
Greetings everyone, I hope you are having a peaceful Saturday evening.
Attached is the Choir Family News Letter for this week.
Some special NOTES:
BRAVO CHORISTERS, thank you for the beautiful singing you offered at the funeral service for Kelly Warren. You gave us all a great gift of love and comfort. I am very proud of each of you. Parents, we could not have done it without your love and support. Thank you for being so special and for allowing us to offer this special gift to the community.
The Thanksgiving Pie Sale will soon be on us! This is one of three fund raising projects we offer each season to build up the Choir Special Projects Fund. This Fund helps pay for many special opportunities for the choristers that our regular operating budget can’t cover. It impacts the choir experience for every choristers over their time in the program. Be on the lookout next week for information on the Pie Sale! It was designed so that the choristers with parent supervision can help raise funds and learn the sense of accomplishment from earning the money that benefits them directly.
1. Japan Students. If you are hosting a student from Japan, they are most welcome to attend choir events with your children.
SESSION ONE: On Friday 30 October our friend, Dr. Max van Egmond from Amsterdam will be on campus to offer a French Diction Class to all Senior Choristers. The combined boy and girl senior chorister session will be 7:20 – 8:10 a.m. during the normal girls rehearsal time.
This class is part of a recording project we are beginning to prepare that will feature beautiful Noels in French.
SESSION TWO will take place after school to 4:30 p.m. that day.
At dismissal all senior choristers who wish to attend should come the back way through the Honor Room to the Chantry where the session will take place.
To offer this, may I ask:
THURSDAY MORNING 29 October will be a combined Junior Boy and Girl Rehearsal morning.
FRIDAY MORNING 30 October will be a combined Senior Boy and Girl Rehearsal morning.
NOVICE BOYS: Due to the disruption of your rehearsal schedule by yesterday’s funeral and this Friday being Halloween Friday, your Friday rehearsals have been cancelled. I miss you! so…….
You are invited if it can work for you and your family to attend one or both of these rehearsals so we can keep learning and growing our vocal skills and music:
+ Tuesday at dismissal until 4:30 in the Music Room – Novice Girls Rehearsal
++Thursday morning before school – arrive between 7:00 and 7:20 a.m., rehearse with the Junior Boys and Girls from 7:20 – 8:10 a.m.
Thank you for the great response, it isn’t to late to respond if you haven’t. It may be the best solution will be a Wednesday time and a Friday time and for people to sign up for the one that works best.
We have been asked to consider making musical presentations at the Christmas Market this year. It could be great fun, however – you are busy people. If we had to choose from blocks of time to present on Wednesday and/or Friday between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. what would work best for you and your choristers schedule? We are now at a point that sometime early next week we have to make a decision to do it or not. The people organizing the event can’t wait to much longer for our answer. Please let me know if you can over the weekend. I don’t yet have enough responses to make a reply.
They have times possible on M,W, F and Sat between 20 November and 23 December.
4. Coming to Choir from Grace Church School. The School has requested that all students sign out at dismissal on their way to choir. They said this is done at the front desk in the lobby. Please let me know how to be supportive.
5. TOMORROW – THIS SUNDAY: MORNING: The Choir of Men and Boys are singing.
9:45 Call for Senior Choristers (REQUIRED)
10:15-10:30 Call for Novice and Junior Choristers (Optional)
1:00 – 2:00 HS Singer Rehearsal in the Music Room
With all my love, Patrick
THE THANKSGIVING PIE SALE is just around the corner! Be on the look out next week for a special Pie Sale email
Grace Church CHRISTMAS PAGEANT! Is it that time already! November 3 is audition day! Check out the pageant bulletin board for information and sign up for your choristers audition. This is a wonderful project especially for novice and junior choristers!
FACE BOOK: Did you know there is a Music at Grace Church Facebook page? There is. We use it to get the word out about all the musical offerings that take place at the Church especially those of the choirs!
HELP US build the community of followers and listeners to the choirs – FRIEND THE Music at Grace Church page and let the word spread
RECRUITING is never over!
We have an amazing group of novice choristers for the fall term but…
If anyone asks, it is never too late to join the choir and they should reach out to me at: helfensteinch@yahoo.com.
For entering 4th graders it is also not too late to join as novices, we have had good luck at getting them up to speed quickly as your children are the best teachers. What schedule a 4th grader might follow would depend on the boy and his family.
We have been asked to consider making musical presentations at the Christmas Market this year. It could be great fun, however – you are busy people. If we had to choose from blocks of time to present on Wednesday and/or Friday between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. what would work best for you and your choristers schedule? I’m just visioning at the moment nothing is set. Your feedback would be very helpful in creating something that is doable and fun. Potential presentations could involve all choristers at some point, but most likely not all at the same time.
SIGN UP GENIUS: Melinda Weir has organized our sign up for helping with choristers activities through sign up genius. She does an amazing job at this, make sure you say Thank you! Sign up Genius has been very practical in making the sign to help as a choir parent helper easy and efficient. HERE IS THE LINK: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/9040B4CA9A72DA64-choir2
WEBSITE: www.gracechurchnyc.org
CLICK: login
User Name: helfenstein
Password: iheartch0ir (0 is a zero)
CHOIR SCHEDULES 2015 – 2016: REMEMBER Kathy’s Link to our Goggle Doc Schedules, they are ready to go for 2014-2015:
Sunday October 25 The Choir of Men and Boys
9:45 Call for Senior Boy Choristers (REQUIRED)
10:15 – 10:30 Call for Junior and Novice Boy Choristers (Optional)
1:00 – 2:00 HS Singers Rehearsal in Music Room
October 27 (Tuesday) – Regular Morning Rehearsal Schedule for Senior Boy Choristers 7:00 – 8:10 a.m.
October 27 (Tuesday) – Regular Afternoon Rehearsal for Girl Novices 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Drop off and Pick up in the Music Room.
October 27 (Tuesday) – Boy Novices invited to attend the Girl Novice Rehearsal after school to 4:30. Drop off and Pick up in the Music Room.
October 27 (Tuesday) – Tuesday Rehearsal for Boy
and Girl Junior Choristers 5:00 – 6:30, Drop off and Pick up in the Muisc Room.
October 28 (Wednesday)– Regular Morning Rehearsal for Senior Girl Choristers 7:00 – 8:10 a.m.
October 28 (Wednesday) After School Vocal Coaching. Sign up in advance for each session with PA. Music Office
October 29 (Thursday) –Morning Rehearsal Schedule for All Junior Choristers – Boys and Girls, 7:00 – 8:10 a.m.
Novice Boy Choristers invited to attend the Thursday Morning Rehearsal with the Juniors today.
October 29 (Thursday) After School Vocal Coaching. Sign up in advance for each session with PA. Music Office
October 30 (Friday) –Morning Rehearsal Schedule for Senior Boy and Girl Choristers 7:00 – 8:10 a.m. Special Masterclass with Dr. Max van Egmond.
October 30 (Friday) – After School – Special Masterclass with Dr. Max van Egmond for all Senior Choristers who can attend. Come to the Chantry for this session.
After School to 4:30 p.m.
November 1 (Sunday) All Saints’ Sunday – The Combined Choir of Men and Boys with The Girls’ Choir
9:45 a.m. Call for all Senior Choristers (REQUIRED)
10:15/10:30 a.m. Call for Novice and Junior Choristers (Optional)
No lunch or rehearsal after church today.
Please find a time to watch and listen to these Youtube excerpts. They are from some of our fellow choirs around the world and are lovely and fun. They can help give us all a better idea of our tradition and celebrate the 1000 year old heritage that we participate in. I was in Wells this week and really, the church and choral tradition is just shy of it’s 1000th birthday! This year is the 120th birthday for our choir foundation.
King’s College Cambridge
Wells Cathedral Choir
St. John’s College Cambridge, A Guest in Cambridge
Salisbury Cathedral
*Like us on FACEBOOK! Music at Grace Church in New York
*The Goggle Choir Schedule Calendar Link: http://gchoirsched.info/home.html
*Sign Up Genius for Choir Parent Volunteer Sign Link:
*Accessing the Secure Choir Family Area of the Music Website:
CLICK: login
User Name: helfenstein
Password: iheartch0ir (0 is a zero)
*REMEMBER: If your contact information changes or you notice a typo in a communication don’t hesitate to let PA (P. Allen, not the Parents Association) know. “If you see something, say something”
*REMEMBER…please keep an eye out around the house and make sure you cash all choir checks you have received. When the books are closed at the audit for each operating budget year checks can no longer be redeemed or replaced.