Music at Grace Church in New York

Below is a selection of recordings of the Choirs of Grace Church. Enjoy!
THE ANNUAL SPRING CHOIR CONCERT 25 April 2014, 7:00 p.m.
The Combined Grace Church Choirs
Dr. Barry Rose, guest conductor
Patrick Allen, organist
Click here to download the program book text: annualchoirconcert250413
1 Beethoven, The Heavens are telling
2 Haydn, Insanne et vanae curae
3 Ridout, Sacred Songs Set One
4 Stanford, For lo, I raise up, Opus 145
5 Biebl, Ave Maria
6 Mozart, Missa brevis in C, K.220 Kyrie & Gloria
7 Burleigh, Steal Away
8 arr. DeCormier, The Virgin Mary had a baby boy
9 Bairstow, Sing ye to the Lord
Recording Engineer: Doron Schächter, Interval Music